COVID Message From The GM
“We are not all in the same boat,
we are all in the same storm.“
Dear Co-op Members & Customers,
The recent increase in COVID-19 cases across Vermont and particularly in Lamoille County with 13 new cases in the past 14 days, and our surrounding counties of Franklin with 63, Orleans with 37 and Washington with 61, has given us reason to review and update our Mask wearing Policy in the store.
With the confirmation of the Delta variant now found in Lamoille County, along with the amount of tourism our area attracts, we have made the decision to require face coverings in our store starting today.
I believe taking this action is in the best interest of our employees, our members and customers, as well as our co-op as a whole.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and support in this matter.
Taylor Evans,
General Manager
From all of us here at the Morrisville Food Co-op, we are honored to be serving our community during this time and
thank you for supporting your local food coop!