RIUFC 2021 - 2022 ARCHIVE

An important part of the Co-op’s mission is to strengthen our community – socially, environmentally, and economically.
One of the ways in which we support Lamoille County non-profit organizations, is through our program;
‘Round It Up for Change’.
RIUFC 2022 Recipients
Meals on Wheels of Lamoille County
Recipient Period: December 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022
On average, Meals on Wheels of Lamoille County (MOWLC) prepares 46,000 nutritious meals to over 300 aging Vermonters each year throughout Lamoille County and Worcester. MOWLC also provides meals for the Vermont Center of Independent Living (VCIL) for those under 60 with disabilities that would like to live independently in their homes. Each year MOWLC fundraises 60% of their funding.
Please visit www.mowlc.org to learn more about this organization.
Morristown Centennial Library
Recipient Period: February 1 – March 31, 2022
The Morristown Centennial Library’s mission is to further our community’s commitment to literacy and broad public access to information, sharing the advantages and joys of reading and lifelong learning with as many members of our community as possible. To achieve this mission the library is dedicated to providing a comfortable and welcoming environment, offering high-quality services and programs that are responsive to our community’s wants and needs, and honoring patrons’ rights to privacy, confidentiality and intellectual freedom.
Please visit www.centenniallibrary.org for more information.
Green Mountain Support Services
Recipient Period: April 1 – May 31, 2022
We are an agency who serves people with physical and developmental disabilities. we work to assist them in home placement, job placement as well as community integration.
Please visit www.gmssi.org for more information.
Lamoille County Habitat for Humanity
Recipient Period: June 1 – July 31, 2022
Lamoille County Habitat for Humanity is an all volunteer organization with a working board dedicated to providing affordable housing to those who qualify to pay back a mortgage to the local chapter/affiliate. We are the only organization in Lamoille County that provides affordable home ownership and the qualified owner must put in a specific amount of sweat equity. We must fundraise at least 80-90% of the money needed to build a house. Not only do we have to purchase all of the building materials but we often have to purchase the land at the going rate on which to build the house. We look for property that is located in a village/town so that the families, who eventually purchase the home, are able to access the amenities that are available, such as transportation, banking, local shopping for food and other items, etc. One way to think about Habitat is it is a process that provides a hand up not a hand out.
Please visit www.lamoillehabitat.org for more info.
Salvation Farms
Recipient Period: August 1 – September 30, 2022
Salvation Farms works with farmers, partners and community members to move wholesome crops that have no market to those in need of nourishment – working toward a future where communities are increasingly fed by local farmers.
Please visit www.salvationfarms.org for more information.
Morrisville Food Co-op
Recipient Period: October 1 – November 30, 2022
The Morrisville Food Co-op is a community-owned food market, committed to the health and well being of people, emphasizing local and organic products and supporting a dynamic community, open to all. October is National Co-op Month. Co-ops build economic power and we celebrate the Morrisville Co-op members, working together to build a more just, resilient, and inclusive community.