May 1st is Green Up Day!

" Roll up your shirt sleeves,
put on your work shoes and
get busy cleaning!"
~ Mrs. Thelma A. Meyer
The first official Green Up Day was held on April 18, 1970. Green Up Day is a grassroots tradition in Vermont in which people of all ages can take part. The State cleans up the State Highways, and Green Up Day volunteers clean up the town roads.
Green trash bags are distributed throughout the state for volunteers to use in their areas. You can pick up bags at your local town hall and other community locations. For more information please see the table below.
Be Safe on Green Up Day
Happy earth Day!

Today is Earth Day
The theme for this year's Earth Day is "Restore Our Earth" which focuses on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can restore the world's ecosystems. The first Earth Day happened in 1970. For decades leading up to the first Earth Day, Americans were subject to huge amounts of leaded gas feeding inefficient cars and trucks. Industrial smoke stacks spewed smoke and sludge creating air pollution. Until this point, America was basically unconcerned with the environment and how a polluted environment threatened human health. Thankfully, Rachel Carson's New York Times best selling book, Silent Spring (1962), set the stage for change. The book sold over 500,000 copies in 24 countries and
April is Stress Awareness Month

There is no single definition for 'stress'.
The American Institution of Stress states,
"The most common explanation is a physical, mental,
or emotional strain or tension."
Here are a few tips they suggest to help overcome issues we can not change:
- Recognize when you don’t have control, and let it go.
- Avoid getting anxious about situations that you cannot change.
- Take control of your reactions and focus your mind on something that